Oh no. Another whole year!

So, some of you may have heard the news. Yes, I’m talking about the Sherlock news. The next season (season 4) will be kicked off with a special. Woohoo! That’s the good news. Here comes the other bit…filming doesn’t start until 2015. Yikes. You know what that means, yes, the humble Sherlockians have to go another year of the painful, sherlockless existence. Let me give you a quite stat I learnt from Tumblr – at the time of calculation it had been 1396 days since A Study in Pink aired, of those 1396 days the show has only been on air for 42. In fact, if you were to sit down and watch all the episodes in a marathon, without stopping it would only take you 14 hours. Therefore, I am here to give you my three handy tips on how to fill the hole that Sherlock left, or at least how to try.

1. New TV Shows
No, this isn’t blasphemy merely a proposition. But you must be careful, what can start as a casual watching activity can quickly uncontrollably swerve into a whole new obsession. So you must tread carefully. Luckily for me, the show I chose, Supernatural, currently has 9 seasons. Unfortunately I am slowly creeping towards the end and soon I may be faced with the inevitable waiting for two shows to hit my screen again. Double the shows, double the insanity.

2. Books
Find a book series, or maybe a hundred. Next time you find yourself staring at that blank TV thinking about re-watching all the episodes for the thousandth time stop yourself and go pick up a book. If your lucky this new series may even have some movie adaptions. If you really can’t leave the Sherlock universe alone, go pick up the original books or stock up on some mystery novels. There are so many books out there for you to try that the time between now and the next series will be over before you know it.

3. Tumblr and Good-Old Stalking
OK, I know that sounds a little creepy, but hear me out. There is nothing better than finding out what the cast is up to. New movies, appearances in other TV shows. Missing Sherlock and Watson? Just go watch The Hobbit. Yeah, I know, it’s not the same but you can still see them and know that they are doing well. What about Tumblr? You ask. Well. You will never fell like you are alone in the world when you know that there all people on the internet having mental breakdowns too. Go follow so Sherlock blogs and relive all the best of the show with your new internet support group – or at least get in heated arguments with them.

So there you have it. Three – well technically four – ways to try fill the void. Good luck my dear Sherlockians, the game is on.

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